Current contact information
For most matters my current home email address will do:I can respond to both personal and professional emails at that address, or get you to the proper resource. Please ask for my PGP key or send me an S/MIME signed email first for better results (I accept and can use ORC certificates with US Government agencies and contractors - unclassified only at this address).
Professional contact information
Since the majority of my visitors come looking for articles, code samples, technical advice, verification of who I am (though I cannot imagine there are too may "Eric Uner"s in the world), I hope these links help.Profiles
- EETimes Profile (available with permission as PDF)
- Sentinel Bio
- Linkedin page
- Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo
Redwall Technologies
I can help you with matters related to Redwall's mobile security technology. Email me or visit Redwall's Web site for more information.Sentinel Security Corporation
I can refer you to the right resource to help you with any information related to HYDRA, Sentinel Security Corporation's a revolutionary information security platform. For more information on HYDRA, or any other matters related to Sentinel, contact me or visit Sentinel's Web site.I truly try and respond to every email, but if for some reason I do not respond to yours it's possibly because:
- The nature of my work precludes an appropriate answer,
- My workload or location prevents a prompt reply, or
- Your email was flagged as Spam and I never got it (sorry).